small home to look bigger ideas

5 simple ways to make a small house look bigger

If the room is small, place a large mirror on one wall of the room. Then the house will look much bigger. The reflection of the other end of the room in the mirror will create a kind of deception in the eyes. As a result, the house will feel quite spacious. With plenty of…

home office decoration

The home-office decoration is like a reflection of the mind

The house is a reflection of the human mind, be it the residence or the workplace. From the furniture of a house to its colors, decor, illumination says a lot; Which is the unspoken mind of man. It unknowingly affects our behavior. In terms of accommodation, a nice tidy house gives peace of mind to…

decorate child bed

How to decorate your child’s room?

Doing new home? Making various plans on how to make your home your own. Plans and Ideas from Experts We are not all here today. How to make the right use of less space or more space to build a house like your own mind. Many people are hesitant when it comes to decorating a…


What kind of curtain will fit on any wall?

So, in the crowd of different colored curtains in the market, which one will fit on the wall of your house, and which one will look inappropriate, are you worried about this? Although the matter seems a bit complicated, but not so complicated! Just a little calculation, but the curtains on the wall will be…


Worried About Small House?

No matter how small or big the house is, it is a world of our own. And we all want that house to be beautiful and peaceful. Bengalis only love peace. We have a desperate endeavor to live beautifully and happily on a piece of land under the sky. It is said that there is…

decorate the drawing room

The way to decorate the drawing room

The drawing room is very important among other rooms in the house. Because usually, the first room of the house is the drawing-room. The guest or anyone who enters the room sees this room. So, with the combination of taste and affordability, you can decorate as you like. Bring a touch of novelty to everything…